Cairobased Moneyfellows 31M Series

cairobased moneyfellows 31m series


Cairo-based fintech startup, MoneyFellows, has made significant waves in the financial technology sector with the successful closure of its Series B funding round, raising an impressive $31 million. The company’s innovative approach to financial services has caught the attention of investors worldwide, marking a pivotal moment in its journey to redefine financial inclusion and savings.

MoneyFellows: A Revolutionary Fintech Solution

Founded in 2018, MoneyFellows was established with a mission to empower individuals by offering an innovative take on rotating savings and credit associations, commonly known as “money circles” or “sou-sous.” The platform leverages technology to streamline this age-old savings practice, making it more efficient, transparent, and accessible to a broader audience.

The concept behind MoneyFellows is simple yet powerful. Users join virtual savings groups, and each member contributes a fixed amount of money regularly. In each savings cycle, one member receives the pooled funds, enabling them to achieve financial goals, such as paying for education, starting a business, or covering unexpected expenses. The platform combines elements of social finance and peer-to-peer lending, creating a supportive community where individuals can access interest-free credit while building their savings.

Series B Funding: A Testament to MoneyFellows’ Success

The successful completion of the Series B funding round, led by prominent investors, underscores MoneyFellows’ growing impact in the fintech sector. The $31 million injection of capital will be instrumental in accelerating the company’s expansion plans and enhancing its product offerings.

Several factors have contributed to the investor enthusiasm surrounding MoneyFellows:

  1. Financial Inclusion: MoneyFellows bridges the gap between traditional banking services and underserved populations, including those without access to formal financial institutions. By democratizing access to savings and credit, the platform empowers individuals to improve their financial well-being.
  2. Technology-Driven Approach: The company’s user-friendly mobile app simplifies the process of joining savings groups, managing contributions, and receiving payouts. Cutting-edge technology ensures a seamless experience for users.
  3. Scalability: MoneyFellows has ambitious plans for expansion, both within Egypt and in other emerging markets. The Series B funding will be instrumental in supporting these growth initiatives, allowing the company to reach more communities globally.
  4. Social Impact: MoneyFellows isn’t just about financial transactions; it fosters a sense of community and financial education. Users gain valuable financial literacy skills and build trust within their savings groups.

Future Prospects for MoneyFellows

With the infusion of $31 million in funding, MoneyFellows is poised to take its innovative financial services to the next level. The company’s roadmap includes:

  1. Geographical Expansion: MoneyFellows aims to extend its reach to new markets, both in the Middle East and beyond. The funding will enable the company to establish a presence in regions with similar financial inclusion challenges.
  2. Product Diversification: The company plans to introduce new financial products and services to cater to a wider range of customer needs. This may include offerings like insurance, investment opportunities, and more.
  3. Enhanced Technology: MoneyFellows will continue to invest in its technology infrastructure to improve user experiences and ensure the security of financial transactions.


MoneyFellows’ impressive $31 million Series B funding round represents a significant milestone for the Cairo-based fintech firm. Its innovative approach to financial inclusion, combining traditional money circles with cutting-edge technology, has garnered attention and support from investors globally. With these new funds, MoneyFellows is well-positioned to expand its reach, enhance its offerings, and make a lasting impact on the financial well-being of individuals in Egypt and beyond. As the company continues to grow, it serves as a shining example of how fintech can revolutionize the way we save, invest, and build financial security in the digital age.